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Cilantro cashew crema has been my go to secret sauce for the past few months. It’s super decadent, extra creamy, zesty, fragrant, bright green in colour, looks beautiful on the plate and often leaves guests asking, “what is in it?” It also pairs perfectly with anything. Today on the menu was broiled miso salmon  and sesame ginger bok choy. I like to sear my bok choy on the outside so that it remains crunchy on the inside. Make this dish for any dinner guest and they will not be disappointed. It is easy to make and turns out delicious every time!

Miso salmon

4-6 oz portions of salmon
¼ cup mirin
3 x tbsp white miso
1 x tbsp maple syrup

Cilantro cashew crema

1 x cup of cilantro leaves
1 x cup soaked cashews
1 x tbsp of majestic garlic spread
¼ x cup extra virgin olive oil
2 x limes, juiced
1 x tsp maldon salt
1 x tsp cracked black pepper

Seared bok choy

3 x bok choys
1 x inch minced ginger
1 x tbsp sesame oil
1 x tsp maldon salt

1. Turn the oven to 400 degrees.

2. Wash and dry your salmon.

3. Process all miso glaze ingredients in a food processor till smooth then rub on to your salmon filets and let marinate for 20 minutes to an hour.

4. To make the cilantro crema add all ingredients into vitamix and blend until smooth. Add small dash of water to help blend, but make sure you keep the thick cream like consistency.

5. Add salmon to the oven and set a timer for 10 minutes, once times up remove form over, rub more miso glaze on top. Turn the oven to broil. Broil your fish 2-3 minutes to carmalize.  

6. Slice your bok choys in half. preheat cast iron, add dash sesame oil and minced ginger, saute to release fragrance. Add bok choy sliced side down and don't move to create a hard sear. Leave for about 2 minutes, flip over to get colour on the other side for a minute or two. Don't over cook or bok choy will become too soft.  

7. To serve, to smear the creama, add salmon on top, and bok choy on the side. Also do a sprinkle of sesame seeds, squeeze of fresh lime juice, and a pinch of micro cilantro. Enjoy!