Roast Chicken Stuffed with Fennel, Lemon and Garlic

Prep Time:
Make Time:
Toral Time:

Roasted chicken is probably one of my signature dishes all year round. It's great to make at the start of the week, and have lunches for the week. Plus, you can use the leftover carcass to make homemade bone broth. This recipe is packed full of fresh herbs, fennel, garlic and lemon, and it's extra juicy every time. You will love it!


  • 1 whole organic chicken
  • 2 large fresh fennel bulbs, chopped,
  • Fennel stems + leaves, chopped 
  • 1 pound small potatoes, halved
  • 4 tbsp organic grass fed ghee 
  • 10 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped  
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh marjoram 
  • Himalayan salt + ground black pepper
  • 4 lemons, halved
  • ½ cup organic chicken broth


  1. Preheat the oven to 450°F, rinse the chickens out, pat dry and set aside to room temperature.  
  2. Add 1 tbsp of ghee and grease a large roasting pan/ baking dish. 
  3. Chop fennel into large chunks, and potatoes into halvves.
  4. Set aside fennel stems and leaves to use to stuff inside of chicken. 
  5. Chop garlic, thyme, rosemary + parsley, and add 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp pepper in a small bowl. 
  6. Rub chickens inside the skin, and outside thoroughly with 1-2 tbsp ghee or olive oil and garlic herb mix. 
  7. Add fennel chunks and potatoes on the base of the roasting pan, and place whole chicken on top. 
  8. Loosely stuff chickens with fennel stems, leaves, garlic chunks and half a lemon to seal off the cavity.
  9. Tie legs together. Generously add more salt and pepper. 
  10. Roast chicken for 30 minutes uncovered until browned, around 30 mins.
  11. Turn temperature to 380F then add chicken broth to the base of pan, and cover with foil, basting occasionally with pan juices to keep moist.
  12. Roast chickens until golden brown on outside, and juices run clear when pierced - about 60 minutes longer. (Depedning on the size of your chicken).
  13. Transfer chickens and fennel mixture to a platter. Pour pan juices into a bowl; pour juices over chicken. 
  14. Add more fresh herbs around the platter, and squeeze with fresh lemon juice to serve.


Feel free to adjust the seasoning and ingredients according to your taste preferences. Enjoy your meal!